Luke is Potty Trained

or, There is hope for you, boy mom, and your little man. He will “get there”! If it takes a whole year, he will get there. And when someone asks you later, “When did you potty train little Johnny?” you will cite when he reached Potty Trained, not how long it took you to get there, and no one will ask more questions, and no one will notice you sweating from the stressful memories that just crossed your mind, or judge you for not doing it earlier. Some will say, “Wow!” Some will say, “Yep, no point in starting till he’s ready.” Some will ask for advice. Err on the side of giving moral support rather than methodological tips, unless specifically requested. Anyway. That was a long secondary title. Moving on…

Texas. Summer. Third Trimester.

Nuff said.

I hesitated to even write this post, because its content is in direct conflict with the title of the blog. Other than kicks reminding me my little babe is alive and quite well, there is almost nothing felicitous about the third trimester, especially if it’s above 65 degrees in my immediate vicinity. So, as of Tuesday night:

Right now, I’ve been “too hot” for hours. If I turn the thermostat down any further, I’ll probably freeze my children out of their beds. By the way, Miryam still isn’t asleep yet at a quarter past nine. She went to bed…