Birth Story, #4

Where has the time gone? At 7 weeks old, my sweet little guy is more than halfway through his “newborn” time. I’m trying to soak up all the snuggles.

But today, I have his birth story for you. 

You know, I never was into birth stories until I wrote my first one (about my third birth experience), and then I got interested in what different details women choose to include when telling theirs, as well as all the very different ways a birth can go. I’ve retrospectively written about births #1 and #2 since then as well. If you’re not a birth story person, feel free to skip. Details are more or less uncensored. FYI.

This was my shortest full-term pregnancy yet….

Birth Story, #2

This Thanksgiving felt a bit like deja vu. Five years ago, I was 8.5 months pregnant on Thanksgiving. Same thing last week. Although that first time I wasn’t hosting the meal/party, and I only had one other kid underfoot while making the few items I was in charge of. This year, I did 100% of the grocery shopping, made the pie crusts, baked one of the pies, and then tag-teamed with my husband for most of the additional prep, so that Thursday could be relatively relaxed: whip up toppings, set grill and oven temperatures, cook. But still….8.5 months pregnant means I was only able to enjoy a tablespoon of each dish on the table before I got full. Don’t worry though, I had a whole piece of pie a couple hours later.

Anyway, with this new baby’s birth fast-approaching, I feel it’s time to tell the last remaining so-far-untold birth story—that of the child who was due in early-to-mid-December last time—Luke’s.

It was a Friday morning….

Birth Story, #1

My oldest is six-and-a-half now. 😱 She’s tall and skinny, but still has baby-face cheeks. That one runs in the family. 🤷‍♀️ For lack of more exciting content, and because it seemed unfair that Cecily’s is posted here but not the other kids’, I thought I’d share her birth story with you this month as she enters first grade. 😭 (Luke’s to come….someday.)

*Usual warning about details about body parts and functions. Keep reading at your own risk.*

I was 41 weeks pregnant. I went to my routine—at that point semi-weekly—appointment with my OB. Everything was fine. She said….