The Broccoli Song

If you’re tired of hearing me talk about vegetables….I apologize. The kids are occupied with some painters tape and the paper plates they finger-painted a few days ago, creating an “art museum” on the playroom walls, right now, and dinner is already prepped, so I have a few minutes to actually write, and what I’m thinking about is broccoli. Because the dinner I just finished the prep work for is called Lemon Broccoli Pasta Skillet, and it has a pound and a half of broccoli in it. And without fail, when I chop up broccoli, The Broccoli Song gets stuck in my head:….

Another Underwhelming Covid Birthday

So, yes, Luke turned four! But, it was during “coronavirus times.” So, it was underwhelming. As expected. Miryam had a lovely birthday in February 2020, pre-covid-panic. Justin had the first pandemic birthday, and I managed to actually take a photo of his birthday angel food cake this year, but otherwise it was not particularly exciting. Cecily’s birthday went not-as-planned… My birthday was downright depressing.

Luke’s birthday remained.

A couple months ago, I had dazzling dreams of his festivities. Maybe we would….

Funny Parenting Memes

One morning, Cecily woke up before 6am. Well, this used to happen somewhat frequently. I am thankful those days are over now. But on one such particularly unpleasant morning when she did, I fed her breakfast and then lay on the floor beside her while she played. I was hoping she wouldn’t wake up anyone else.

I was so virtuously passing the still-dark-outside time by….scrolling Facebook. I came across a list of memes about “hanging out with kids” that was clearly targeting nannies and babysitters, but was SO RELATABLE for parents, too. And maybe I was just that tired, but….

Ode to the Balance Bike

Parents and grandparents of small-kids-who-don’t-know-how-to-ride-a-bike-yet, this post is for you. Here’s the punchline upfront: Buy that kid a balance bike!

We bought this balance bike when Miryam turned two. We’d heard and read about how it makes the transition to real bike riding pretty effortless. It was just the right size. I tried to help her learn to ride it a couple of times, but she wasn’t getting it, and I was getting frustrated, so it collected dust for a looooong time in various garages. We’ve moved twice between that birthday and this spring, when she finally took an interest in her three-years-old gift….

Squishy Sand

Or, A Lesson in Flexibility, since a lot of the rules are changed these days.

I must preface this with: I love my next door neighbor, she is an absolute gem, and so thoughtful of my kids pretty much daily. She’s like an extra grandma for them, which is so special when their real grandmas are far away in other states. Like a grandma, though, she sometimes falls into thinking only of the fun the kids will have, and not the mess the mom will have to [at minimum help] clean up, when she finds something cool.

She’s been going through some old boxes in her garage, and my kids have been…

Miryamisms (age 4)

I have already needed to write down more Miryamisms in her “age 5” google doc, so I thought maybe I should get around to publishing her “age 4” collection. She turned five last month. She’s lost three baby teeth already, can write her first and last name without assistance, and uses logic against me all the time. Here is a new sampling of her many funny and cute moments…

Social Distancing Spelling Trivia

Taking care of three kids age five and under is full of interruptions, demands, cleaning up crumbs, and never sleeping more than four hours straight, like, ever. So, my brain is both in survival mode and at capacity. Blogging, as a non-essential activity, has been moved to the back burner. I think about it often, but seldom actually write words for it. However, since all my non-essential outside-the-home activities are currently canceled, here I am on the blog!

The English language is fascinating, wonderful, and sometimes a real pain. Today’s topic falls under “fascinating,” in my humble opinion. I do have a bachelor’s degree in English, so I think I’m allowed to have opinions on the subject…

Luke is Potty Trained

or, There is hope for you, boy mom, and your little man. He will “get there”! If it takes a whole year, he will get there. And when someone asks you later, “When did you potty train little Johnny?” you will cite when he reached Potty Trained, not how long it took you to get there, and no one will ask more questions, and no one will notice you sweating from the stressful memories that just crossed your mind, or judge you for not doing it earlier. Some will say, “Wow!” Some will say, “Yep, no point in starting till he’s ready.” Some will ask for advice. Err on the side of giving moral support rather than methodological tips, unless specifically requested. Anyway. That was a long secondary title. Moving on…