Miryamisms (age 5)

Miryam, my Little Miss, has just turned six! She is a never-ending source of entertainment and love. Behold, her past year in quotations.

Miryam: Is Elsa alive?
Me: No, it’s just a story.
Miryam: But Disney World has Elsa.
Me: She’s an actress.
Me (not out loud): oops

I can never have enough pictures of children eating ice cream.

(We stopped at the grocery store for one thing. Justin went in and left us in the car.)
Miryam: I hope none of these people are Coronavirus here. Because if Daddy catches it, we’ll probably get it. Luke, Coronavirus is a kind of sick.
Luke: A virus can’t get you sick.
Miryam: A virus is a germ. It can grow to a hundred and bigger and bigger, and then you get Coronavirus, and you get really sick. These kind of germs are really really fast. They’re faster than anybody can run. Except Jesus.

I’m probably not the best artist in the world, but I’m the best artist in the family.

Justin: Miryam, are you a proud little Texas girl?
Miryam: Yes! Because Texas has everything!

I’m mad right now, and I’m almost angry.

Whoever started the coronavirus is really driving the rest of us crazy!

(acting like a shark and telling me she’s a shark) (whispers): I’m just kidding. You know I’m not a shark, right?

I don’t want to take this kind of approach.

(tucking her in to bed, trying to curtail the pillow talk)
Me: Last thing; what?
Miryam: Um. Ummmm. Um, Mommy, how do you build a house?
Me: I’m not explaining that at bedtime. Goodnight. I love you.

Luke: I prefer that.
Miryam: Prefer? You don’t get to prefer unless you’re an adult!

(when I made homemade dinner rolls for the first time)
These are so good, that I can’t even believe how good they are.

Mommy, do you think it’s time that I’m actually a chef? Because I’ve already made chocolate milk. Luke can lick the spoon, because I’m nice.

Miryam: (whining about me not letting her get out more legos ten minutes before bedtime)
Me (sarcastically): Ugh, life is so hard when you’re 5.
Miryam (en serio): It’s the hardest life, Mommy.

(after I explained, upon her asking, that dogs and cats probably don’t go to heaven because they don’t have rational souls / are not made in the image and likeness of God the way humans are; and after she reminded me she wishes we would get a dog)
Well, Mommy, the good thing about not having a doggy is that you won’t miss them when you’re in heaven.

Miryam: Mommy, it would be funny if we had a motherboard inside us.
Me: We don’t need a motherboard because we have a brain.
Miryam: Or we would get too hot and we would need an actual fan inside us.
(Side note: Usborne books for the win.)

(finishing up my response to a question from Miryam about what Luke is typically thankful for during bedtime prayers)
Me: I’m thankful we don’t live in a dilapidated old house with everything falling apart.
Miryam: I’m not thankful for that. I want to live in the woods.

selfie with caterpillar

Tell me in the comments below: what is something funny your little one has said lately?

3 thoughts on “Miryamisms (age 5)

  1. I don’t have my own little one but something hilarious of Miryam to add: I let her draw in my journal and she drew a scary lion dragon thing that said “harm full” and unicorn that said “pease full” and it was a game which would you rather choose.

    She said: “I love making Would Rathers because I always make one so happy and one so dreadful.”

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