Books of 2021

I know this subject is so last year, but I’m just so excited about it anyway, and the end of last year was full of, you know, having a baby, so, a few weeks late, here we go!

Back in 2020 I read a whole seven books, the last two of them during December, because I was so mortified by my only having finished five so far when December arrived. I had set a goal for myself at the beginning of the year to read 12 books. One per month, on average. Should be totally doable, right?


It is a truth universally acknowledged…

….that the public library is wonderful.

Now, please tell me you’ve read Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen. If you haven’t, I enjoin you to open a new tab in your internet browser right now, go to your library’s website, log in, and request a copy. If you don’t have a library card/account already, sign up for one. My library system is doing virtual-only accounts, from which one can check out digital media (ebooks and audiobooks), as well as request hard copies of books for curbside pickup at the brick and mortar library.

[I promise there is more interesting content in this post than just me raving about libraries. Click that button to see for yourself!]

Goodbye, 2020!

Happy new year almost!!!

I’m sitting on my couch, surrounded by leftover Christmas mess, watching my kiddies play together through the abundance of windows that look out into the backyard, listening to chill music that my hubby put on as cooking background music while he makes his grandmother’s lasagna recipe for our dinner. I’m feeling pretty good about life today. It’s a perfect day to reflect on the year.

I’ve compiled a selection of the new things I’ve tried/done/made this year for you below. Many of these have been mentioned before in previous posts, but some are new news. Enjoy! ….

A Little Lit in My Life

I finished reading two seemingly unrelated things within the past few days, both of which have led me to the same conclusion: I deserve time in my days for leisure reading, and it is worth it for me to make time for it.

Justin has been out of town for new job training Mon-Fri the last 3.5 weeks (I can’t wait for you, Saturday!!), which means my sweet kids have had no choice but to make all their demands of ME. As an introvert, I usually look forward to those 30 min after Justin gets home from work…