Okay, just one thing about toilet paper.

This Thursday was the worst day for me, so far, of The Pandemic.

Aside from the pandemic and everything that goes with it, Cecily is in a weird place with her naps, where I’m lucky to get one “real” nap (where she’s asleep in her crib rather than on me/while nursing, for more than half an hour) per day. The rest of the day, she cries if I put her down, and if she manages to console herself after that offense, she cries if I leave her sight. I thought Miryam was a “mama’s girl.” Not like this! So…

I’ll have the routine, please.

I began the thoughts on this post the last time I took a 10-day road trip with the kids. It’s now the second time in four months that I’m doing so, and I’m pondering the same thoughts again.

It starts like this.

I want to go see new places, visit my people, have fun experiences, leave room in the plan for spontaneity, and live in the moment. Including for and with my kids.

But I also want to keep the routine.

Why are kids so dependent upon routine? One would think that if a kid is tired, and it’s dark outside…