On My Prayer Time Being Interrupted Again

Me: How come you can sit here and drink your coffee and watch TV and the kids leave you alone, but if I go sit down to drink my coffee they gravitate toward me like I’m a magnet?
Justin: There’s still an invisible umbilical cord.
Me: *facepalm*

Remember when I was pondering if I was allowed to enforce Mommy Quiet Coffee Prayer Time, with how young my children are?

I came to the conclusion that for me and these children, now, it’s not something I’m willing to enforce. Still, sometimes an opportunity presents itself for just-me quiet time, and I try to take it. This morning, for instance….

Discoveries While Deep Cleaning

We’re currently in the midst of getting our house ready to sell. One of the most obvious items on the to-do list is to “deep clean.” As our agent told us, “We want things to sparkle.” Of course.

What I’ve learned while deep cleaning my house is: how dirty my house was. Honestly, I’ve been astonished. How was I living in such filth without realizing it? Why didn’t I ever think to clean any of these nooks and crannies before? How come my friends continued to accept play date and dinner invitations to my home when it was in that condition? ….

I’ll take my coffee standing up.

Like the Italians—and the seasoned or well-read tourists—in Italy, I’ve found it’s simply more economical.

This morning, after everyone had had breakfast and was dressed, I made myself a cup of decaf coffee in the Keurig—nothing fancy, although there was a bit of heavy cream left to use instead of half and half. Hoping full tummies would help the kids stay occupied for a while without me, I sat down on the couch, coffee in hand, and opened my breviary to the morning prayers for today. I made it a few sips of hot coffee and one psalm in before being interrupted…