Goodbye, 2020!

Happy new year almost!!!

I’m sitting on my couch, surrounded by leftover Christmas mess, watching my kiddies play together through the abundance of windows that look out into the backyard, listening to chill music that my hubby put on as cooking background music while he makes his grandmother’s lasagna recipe for our dinner. I’m feeling pretty good about life today. It’s a perfect day to reflect on the year.

I’ve compiled a selection of the new things I’ve tried/done/made this year for you below. Many of these have been mentioned before in previous posts, but some are new news. Enjoy! ….

Another Underwhelming Covid Birthday

So, yes, Luke turned four! But, it was during “coronavirus times.” So, it was underwhelming. As expected. Miryam had a lovely birthday in February 2020, pre-covid-panic. Justin had the first pandemic birthday, and I managed to actually take a photo of his birthday angel food cake this year, but otherwise it was not particularly exciting. Cecily’s birthday went not-as-planned… My birthday was downright depressing.

Luke’s birthday remained.

A couple months ago, I had dazzling dreams of his festivities. Maybe we would….

The Perks of the “Stay Home” Life

I am (and have been for five years!) a full-time stay-at-home mom. Now, I am a stay-at-home-all-the-time mom. There is a difference.

Before, that was just my job title. AKA homemaker. Now, it’s a state-mandated state of existence.

I’m not complaining. I’m not interested in engaging in debate about whether we should be “stay home”ing or not. I’m naturally a rule follower. For now, I’m happy to comply with what the governor says. Sure, my kids are a little stir-crazy (no playgrounds, no school), I’m a little over-talked-to (there is little to no sacred silence to be found in my life right now), and I’m sad my mom probably won’t get to come to my big girl’s preschool graduation. I’m not sure that graduation will even take place.


Overdue Week

Going overdue with my recent pregnancy gave me time to…keep up the family tradition! My mom, sister, and I are now ten for ten on overdue babies. Cheers to consistency!

During the 39th week of pregnancy, I was so optimistic that “the baby could come any minute now!” When I got to the week before the due date, however, realism set in and I resigned myself to going overdue again. Surprisingly, this mental shift actually gave me more energy and will to do other things besides wait for labor. I opened up my Nesting List…